Monday, November 4, 2019

Sherry Turkle addresses some interesting points during her speech at her second TED talk. As she mentions her original presentation in 1996 was a pro technology presentation that placed her on the cover of Wired magazine. 16 Years later Sherry’s presentation could be nothing further from the original idea. During her speech I found myself thinking about my home life in comparison, while I don’t find myself victim to many of the statements put forth I have witnessed theses kinds of actions in the households of close friends. The idea of separating the correlation ewe have come to built between communication and congregation is a difficult one but Sherry outlines it well. As she mentions, people are more inclined to spend a night with technology than a night with friends. We do this because technology is the one thing that listens to us when we want it too, no matter what. I agree with Sherry’s argument, especially in the regard that parents are often spending more time on their phones than with their children, causing the children to emulate the exact same behaviour.

-Chris Gauld